Psychology: GE-160

Semester 3

Final Grade: A

Content includes:

Group Presentation short film featuring scenes from, "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" and "The Mask", highlighting Sigmund Freud's concept of the Id, Ego, and Superego.

Group Scoring Sheet and summary of Group Presentation

3 Paper Assignments; Review of a Journal Article, Biographical Sketch of Immanuel Kant, and Final Research Paper.

Summary of DiSC personality test and Keirsey personality test information

Midterm and Final scores-Updated and rewritten each semester

Quiz scores for the covered chapters in the book.

Sources taken from, "Psychology for Everyday Life," by David G. Meyers. Class ebook.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

VARK Learning Personality Test

This is a quick extra credit exercise that I actually completed in my Portfolio class. It shows us our best methods of learning. Even though I best learn by doing and seeing I actually studied for the quizzes and tests with the tesxt's audio book that was available. I purchased the audio book, downloaded the chapters onto my MP3 player and listed to it almost every day as I drove to and, often times, from work for the duration of the class. It included audio flash cards and audio quizzes. It really was influential with my studying.

1 comment:

  1. This Article has an excellent source of information on personality test . This can be very helpful for DiSC practitioner. Thank you for sharing your valuable thoughts with us.
