Psychology: GE-160

Semester 3

Final Grade: A

Content includes:

Group Presentation short film featuring scenes from, "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" and "The Mask", highlighting Sigmund Freud's concept of the Id, Ego, and Superego.

Group Scoring Sheet and summary of Group Presentation

3 Paper Assignments; Review of a Journal Article, Biographical Sketch of Immanuel Kant, and Final Research Paper.

Summary of DiSC personality test and Keirsey personality test information

Midterm and Final scores-Updated and rewritten each semester

Quiz scores for the covered chapters in the book.

Sources taken from, "Psychology for Everyday Life," by David G. Meyers. Class ebook.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Group Presentation Scoring Sheet

Our group name was, "The Manipulators" and we covered Chapter 11-Personality, which also covered the introduction of Sigmund Freud. I presented this video and read from one of the other student's PowerPoint presentation.
One of our group members created a quiz-game with the chapter's definition.
Another girl created an overhead presentation and drew a picture depicting how negative thinking can affect a student prior to testing.
Another student provided a live-action demonstration regarding personality and where certain people sit in a classroom.

I also provided a handout combining the DiSC and Keisey personality tests together to allow students to better communicate with others in their personal and work-place lives.

For treats, I was able to obtain empty medicine bottles from a friend who worked at a pharmecutical company. We filled them with M&M's and slapped some realistic-looking labels on them.
My wife sealed up the box, which I cut open in front of the class, without explaining what they were. The expressions on the student's faces were precious as they each selected their bottles from the 'freshly opened' box.

We also provided 4 different types of cookies to signify the 4 basic personalities listed the personality tests, asking the students, "What kind of cookie are you?"

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